
Because of our years of worldwide experience, we can proudly say that we are a major player in the national and international glass industry.

In order to give you some impression of what we have achieved in this area, below you will find a selection of projects realized by HT Glass BV so far.

The Den Berk bvba Project

In 2011 Den Berk bvba expanded the existing greenhouse of 11 ha with 9 ha. The two managers, Koen Lauwerysen and Luc Beirinckx, made a well-considered choice for the Diffulite+ cover glass. After an autumn crop and a one-year-round cultivation they are still satisfied.

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The Luc Beirinckx Project

Where the Diffulite+ on the Den Berk greenhouses mainly consists of AR glass, and with 12% haze to a lesser extent diffuse glass, HT Glass BV now also has Diffulite+ glass with haze factors of 30 or 50%.

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The Steiner Project

It all started with the idea of growing around 280,000 local and sustainable vegetable plants in greenhouses. In 2014 Gemüsebau Steiner converted this idea into deeds in Kirchweidach by growing their products under 11.4 ha of glass.

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